
Showing posts from October, 2010

Veterans' Day Plans

For the twenty-ninth year, Newnan’s American Legion Post 57 will sponsor the November 11 ceremonies in Veterans’ Memorial Plaza. As it has since 2004, the program will honor a Veteran of the Year for Newnan/Coweta, recognizing one individual who served his nation in uniform and came home to better his community, state and nation. The honoree will be announced in the Times-Herald on November 10. In addition, Robin Tornow and Harold Barron, who were instrumental in the construction of Veterans’ Memorial Plaza, will be remembered as a part of the program. The program will begin at 11:00 and will be followed by the traditional community luncheon at the Coweta Veterans’ Club, from noon till 2:30 PM. The Atkinson Elementary Chorus will again perform inspirational music that will be as big a crowd pleaser as was their routine for 2009. Commander Ronald Freese, directing his first Veterans’ Day program, issued a special invitation to our newest veterans from the Gulf War and the War ...

American Legion Family Children's Halloween Party

Saturday - October 30, 2010 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM For children 12 years of age and younger Coweta Veterans Club ( Click here for Directions ) Activities include Games, Face Painting, Costume Contest, Candy, Food & Drinks. Come out and have some good, family fun with the American Legion Family

Coweta Veterans Club Golf Tournament

On October 10th the Coweta County Veterans Club hosted its charity golf tournament. Entry fee was $75 per player and covered 18 holes of golf, cart, beverages, prizes, 1st place trophy and, lunch after play. Hole sponsorships were $100. Event sponsorship was $250 and Team sponsorship was $300. Gold sponsorship was $500 and included special recognition at the event. Donations of gift certificates or merchandise are greatly appreciated and will help reduce our expenses. As always, donations in any amount were greatly appreciated. Funds raised this year went to the Community Welcome House - A Safe Haven for Women and Children.