Veterans who believe they may be suffering from post traumatic stress disorder were encouraged to get more information about the condition and its impact on veterans and their loved ones when the Coweta Veterans Club hosted its third clinic to benefit veterans Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. The Coweta Veterans Club is at 130 Veterans Club Drive, off U.S. Highway 29, just north of the Hwy. 34 bypass across from A&W Nursery. The Oct. 26 clinic concentrated on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, focusing upon the veterans who might be suffering from the emotional damage of war. This clinic included immediate family members who want to support their veteran. PTSD is a scourge of every war in which the United States has fought but was first recognized medically for the veterans of the War to End All Wars -- World War One, noted Hank Berkowitz, local volunteer Veterans Service Officer, who is coordinating the evening events. Today, PTSD is known to occur either immediately after a wartime traumat...